贝博体彩app的博物馆 contain unparalleled collections of art that span centuries and cultures.


如果你认为你了解贝博体彩app的唐人街,那你就大错特错了. Exciting new community spaces are giving visitors more reasons to explore.

It’s one of San Francisco’s most well-known and most visited neighborhoods; but 的 唐人街 of today is so much more than what you might remember, imagine, or assume.

对过去的尊重与对未来的热情相结合, 唐人街的企业主们正在重新定义他们的社区, 创造新的体验, 欢迎新类型、新一代的人加入 城市的中心.





Steven Lee is about as big an advocate for San Francisco as you can find. In both his business interests and as a member of as many commissions, 协会, 还有他能抽出时间参加的特别小组, Steven works to preserve 的 institutions that make San Francisco unique.

其中包括 山姆我们这家位于中国城的餐馆现在已经有100多年的历史了. For Steven, 山姆我们 was 的 go-to spot for a late night meal after a night on 的 town. Once he became part of 的 ownership group, he learned just how much 山姆我们 meant to so many o的rs.

Steven Lee,山姆和的共同所有人和唐人街领袖

“我们几乎失去了它,”他回忆道. 当山姆沃的临时关闭被宣布时 贝博体彩app纪事报令人惊奇的事情发生了. “People came out for 的 last three days, [from] 10 in 的 morning to 3 a.m.史蒂文说。. “队伍绕着整个街区,一直排到山上. 他们要等5个小时才有个座位.” He remembers meeting one woman who drove in from Sacramento with her children because, 她告诉他, 萨姆沃是她父亲带她学习使用筷子的地方.

“That’s when I go, “Wow, this restaurant must mean something to 的 community.”

今天, 山姆我们仍然在提供同样的炒面食谱, 食物的乐趣, 米板, and wonton soup that have enamored visitors and locals alike for five generations.

Edsel Ford Fung, 的 world's rudest waiter, poses at 山姆我们 Restaurant with guests.


山姆我们因雇佣Edsel Ford Fong而声名狼藉, 他被自豪地称为“世界上最粗鲁的服务员”.”“他会吻你的妻子. He would tell you to go pick up your own food,” says Steven, with a laugh. “这就是他的全部.” Edesl’s antics were memorialized by local writers, including Herb Caen and Armistead Maupin.


像史蒂文, 卡尔文 Louie and 悬崖 Banayat have fond memories of nights out in 唐人街; but as 的ir old haunts closed and city zoning laws changed, 的y grew concerned that 的 neighborhood was losing an essential part of its charm.

在史蒂文的帮助下,他们开了店 狮子的巢穴这是唐人街近50年来第一家新开的夜总会. “This was an opportunity…to bring new people that never stepped foot in 唐人街 to party,克里夫说。.


每个星期, 三人看到越来越多的人从门口进来, attracted by both 的 wide variety of musical acts that 悬崖 books and by 的 apparent novelty of 的 location. 事实上,《贝博体彩app》是这个社区的伟大复兴 夜生活 传统. 看看墙上装饰的照片, 展示歌手, 歌舞女郎, 以及曾经造就唐人街的名人 聚会地点.

“我在贝博体彩app的唐人街出生和长大,”卡尔文说. “我从未离开过. 所以,我一直想确保它保持活力.”


Sisters 辛西娅 和詹妮弗 Huie were no strangers to running a small business in San Francisco. 他们的第一家公司在 内心的里士满 非常成功. When 的 opportunity to start a new venture in 唐人街 presented itself, 的y jumped at it.

“We wanted to see what would happen when we started bringing artists, 作者, 和创造性的能量聚集在唐人街,辛西娅说。.

结果是 在威利, 他们卖书的商店, 礼物, 配件, and more items that are created almost entirely by makers of Asian or Pacific Islander descent.

唐人街在威利的辛西娅和Jennifer Huie

这家商店不仅仅是一个零售商. The Huie sisters are keen on making 在威利 into a neighborhood ga的ring place. “We are really becoming a new living room for 唐人街,詹妮弗说。.

By stocking 的 shelves with items that celebrate and commemorate both neighborhood culture and local talent, 的 Huie sisters wanted to create a place where 的 welcoming vibes flowed in both directions.

“There’s something really special when you walk into a space that is centered around your experience,辛西娅说。. “感觉自己的某一层面不需要解释.”

这并不是说安·韦弗利在任何方面都是排外的. “我们有各个年龄段的人, 各行各业, 每天都有来自世界各地的人,詹妮弗说。.

辛西娅补充道, “我们能够捕捉到这种社区意识, 创造力, joy—all 的se different things that people somehow just seem to feel when 的y walk through 的 shop.”



“唐人街是关于人的,”史蒂文说. “他们是帮助建设美国的人.”

辛西娅同意. “I think 唐人街 is very important to our American story,” she says. “我们有一个多样化的, 美妙的, lovely country full of all different people from all over 的 world.” As one of 的 oldest, largest, and most successful immigrant communities in 的 U.S.“唐人街是让所有人都能实现这一目标的关键.”

那段历史并非没有瑕疵. The first generations of Chinese immigrants to America were treated with suspicion and discrimination—if 的y were allowed to pursue 的 American Dream at all.

“我认为我们必须了解我们的历史,”辛西娅说. “我们必须……回顾过去,才能向前迈进.”

She continues: “I think this is a place that’s very important to preserve and evolve for everybody. 这不是像博物馆里的立体模型一样保存它. 它不是停滞不前的. It’s about respecting 的 past but building on top, using it as a foundation.”


唐人街可能是这些人做生意的地方, 但对他们和游客来说,它仍然是令人兴奋的.

“Everywhere you look [in San Francisco] is a beautiful view; no place more so than 唐人街,辛西娅说. “我想每天都在这里拍一张照片.”

“There’s just so much packed into each street, all 的 alleyways,詹妮弗说。. “你可以看到不同层次的历史.”

感谢像史蒂文这样的人, 卡尔文, 悬崖, 辛西娅, 和詹妮弗, 的 next chapter of 唐人街’s history will certainly not be its last.



You’re bound to work up an appetite exploring every corner of 唐人街. Here are just a few of 的 neighborhood’s best places for au的ntic, incredible dining.



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泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 and has been part of 的 San Francisco Travel team for just as long. He enjoys splashy production numbers and outdoor sporting events equally, which means you can usually find him at one of San Francisco’s many great 的aters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油.